HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SASS.
TypeScript, ES Next, higher-order functions (map, filter, etc.), service workers.
React.js, Next.js, React Query, Redux Toolkit, Angular, RxJS, Vue.js, Nuxt.js.
Go, Node.js, Express.js, PHP, Firebase cloud functions.
Cypress, Jasmine, Karma, Jest.
MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase Firestore, and Firebase Realtime database.
Strapi, Silverstripe, Contentful, WordPress, Storyblok.
Git, GitLab, Phabricator, GitHub, Bitbucket.
Material, Bootstrap, Vuetify.
CSS animation, GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform), WebGL with Three.js.
SEO, performance optimization, RESTful APIs, Tailwind CSS, terminal usage, Protocol Buffers, DNS configuration, CI/CD pipelines.